ASX:VMC $0 .000

DeGrussa North (Curara Well) tenement E52/3069 is located approximately 10 km NE of Sandfire Resources highgrade DeGrussa Copper Mine. Figure 1


Orientation high powered B-field moving loop TEM has been completed using a Jessy Deep SQUID sensor. The survey was conducted over anomalous magnetic and VTEM responses which was subject to limited drill testing (WAMEX A114841). Three subtle, mid to late time anomalies have been interpreted from the data.

These have been modelled as deep, moderately conductive, shallow dipping plates which correlate to the strongly magnetic ultramafic units (Figures 2 and 3).

The most promising model CW03 is located along strike to the south from CWRC005 (refer ASX release 23 January 2017). This was modelled as a deep, moderately conductive (1280mSm), flat lying plate which lies below previous drilling and are oblique to the measured dip of the ultramafic. The shallow dips may reflect some transgressive feature at depth or limitations in the modelling. The tenor of the MLTEM responses may be indicative of sulphides or otherconductors off hole (ASX release 31 July 2024). Further drilling and downhole EM surveys are planned.


 Figure 8. Location of MLTEM anomaly over TMI 1VD image with EM stations and RC/DD drill hole collars.


 Figure 3 Location of MLTEM Slingram Z Channel 30 image with anomaly outlines.